
Book release December 2016

John Coulson
John Coulson, Deputy Principal and Academic Dean

Our Deputy Principal’s book, The Righteous Judgment of God: Aspects of Judgment in Paul’s Letters is on sale now. You can pre-order your copy on Book Depository (free delivery) and save 10%.
The book is a culmination of more than five years research and writing, which, in part, was prompted by John lecturing on eschatology in 2009 when he commented to his class that there were few sermons preached about hell these days. One student who was a prison chaplain took the challenge seriously and later preached about the final judgment in his prison ministry. Several prisoners were moved by the message and responded to receive Christ.
While the topic of final judgment is often neglected at the pulpit, thankfully, it is covered quite well in theology books. However, John discovered that these books were relatively silent about some aspects of God’s temporal judgment, that is, his judgment in time, both historically and in the present.
“There seemed to be a significant gap that needed to be filled in systematic theology textbooks,” John said.
“I decided that I would investigate this within Paul’s letters.”
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