
Reasons people seek a mentor

By Peter Moore, Lecturer BST Mentor Equipping program.

Have you ever prayed for a mentor?

A Christian mentor is:

  • an experienced and godly person who would listen, understand and encourage;
  • a trusted person who would not be afraid to ask the hard questions;
  • someone to hold one to account in a supportive relationship;
  • a wise man or woman who can draw on life experience;
  • a thoughtful guide on the journey to maturity;
  • a pastoral person who cares and prays?

These are some of the blessings of having a mentor with whom you regularly meet.

Other reasons to seek a mentor are:

  • To help develop spiritual disciplines for a closer relationship with God;
  • To gain a clearer sense of focus in life and ministry;
  • For insight and accountability in relation to issues of sexuality, use of money and use of power;
  • To develop as a relational leader;
  • To understand and develop your unique mix of ministry gifts and skills;
  • For accountability for the time and effort you put into marriage and family relationships;
  • To gain better skills in managing stress in life and ministry;
  • For support in making important decisions and exploring options for the future;
  • To debrief critical ministry situations;
  • To resolve or manage interpersonal conflict;
  • For ways to objectively review life and ministry and get a ‘fix’ on where you are, and where you need to develop.

A mentor can keep you on the growing or cutting edge. And they can support you as you in turn support others to develop as disciples around you!

Very few receive the mentoring they long for. Our BST Mentor Equipping program offers you the opportunity to grow in the personal and ministry skills that will give another the invaluable gift of spiritual, personal and ministry formation.

Find out more about our Mentoring Program commencing in Semester 2, 2020.