Brisbane School of Theology

The Living Wholeness Institute

The Living Wholeness Institute, Brisbane Campus, Brisbane School of Theology

We’re excited to announce a new partnership between Living Wholeness and Brisbane School of Theology. Our aim is to provide multi-level training for God’s people who are seeking to support, help and provide care for those around them, whether in a congregational, mission, ministry or professional setting. These courses lead to a LW/BST certificate of course completion.

Bearing one another’s burdens

God’s word urges his people to be caring for those around them. As Paul wrote, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2; ESV). There are many reasons why this does not always happen. Lack of support, lack of confidence, lack of skill, and the lack of professional resources all can keep churches and God’s people from providing the care, support and counselling that people need.

The burdens people carry may involve medical conditions, mental health issues, life and family crises, bereavement and persistent sin. Some burdens need the kindness and encouragement of a thoughtful friend, others need professional intervention. Every church needs a network of pastoral care.

These courses offer personal transformation and training aimed to assist these different levels of response to need. You may want to be a better friend; you may have responsibility for providing care. Or you may be a mental health professional facing these issues daily. One of these courses are for you.


The courses are offered on the campus of Brisbane School of Theology, 1 Cross St, Toowong. Parking is available on Wool St, adjacent to Anzac Park.


Dr John Warlow MB ChB FRANZCP

John is an experienced counselling and coaching Adult, Child and Family Psychiatrist and as the developer of the Christian Wholeness Framework (CWF) is passionate to facilitate the development of Christian mental health professionals and growing the body of Christ.

 Dr Jenny Richardson MBBS FRACGP M. Couns

Jenny brings a wealth of experience as missionary, mother, pastoral care worker, GP counsellor at Foundations Counselling Centre, and through Living Wholeness.

See our Living Wholeness Institute courses

For more information call (07) 3870 8355 or email

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Pastor Grace Lung

BSci (Comp Sci), GradDipDiv, MA (ChrStds)


Grace grew up in Sydney in a large Chinese church. Since then she has served at various Chinese churches over the years in youth, students, young workers and women. Her passion and interest is contextualizing the gospel to Asian Australians and developing Asian churches in Australia. Grace is a graduate of Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Fuller Theological Seminary. Her study focussed on Chinese Australian identity and ministry.

Her previous roles have included: Director for Asian Contextual Engagement for the RICE Movement, Team Member for Interserve Culture Connect and OMF QLD’s Ministry Team. She was an Anglican Deaconness Ministries Summer Fellow in 2019. Her writing has appeared on the SOLA Network, Gospel Coalition Australia, Centered: Resources for the Asian American Church, Common Grace and Ethos: EA Centre for Christianity and Society.

In addition to her role as Director of CAC, Grace is also serving as a pastor alongside her husband, Chris, at Rise Alliance Church – a new church plant servicing the Rochedale area.