
This is a course of the Australian College of Theology.

Graduate Diploma of Divinity


Course Description

If you already have an undergraduate qualification, but want to boost those skills with some theological study, you’ll find that the Graduate Diploma of Divinity packs a lot into just one year.

You’ll be given a clear understanding of the big-picture story of the Bible, from creation to final revelation, and handed the tools to better understand and explain it. You’ll also be able to choose one book or key area of the Bible to explore more deeply, like Paul’s letters, the Gospels, or the Psalms. You can then uncover a bit of church history, look at the doctrines of eschatology or grace, or even learn some Hebrew or Greek. There’s a broad range of practical units too, which means you can take a closer look at what’s involved in pastoral care and the discipleship of others, gain the basic principles of good leadership, or learn new ways to share the gospel cross-culturally.

Whether you’re considering how you could put your current training into action in a mission setting, or exploring a completely different kind of full-time ministry work, this course will lay a brilliant foundation. Ministry organisations generally recognise the GradDipDiv as good preparation for mission work, and the practical elements on offer mean that it’s also useful if you simply want to grow your involvement in the local church or be better equipped to serve in ministry alongside your regular job.

  • Introduces graduate students to the sources and content of the Christian story and message at an advanced level, and provides training which combines articulation of this story and message with their application and practice in the contemporary world.
  • The course will be based on the disciplines by which knowledge of God is developed and articulated in the fields of:
    • Bible & Languages (LA, OT, NT, BB)
    • Christian Thought & History (TH, CH, PE)
  • Through elective units students can:
    • Develop understanding in the Bible and Christian Thought & History
    • Develop particular ministry skills in the three areas of the field of Ministry & Practice (EM, PC, DE)

Academic Qualifications: Completed 3 year bachelor degree or equivalent

Language Qualifications for NESB: IELTS 7.0 overall with a minimum of 7.0 in reading and writing, and 6.5 in listening and speaking OR 10 years in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work

Australian College of Theology Coursework Course Enrolment Policy

8 units | 96 credit points | 1 yr FT, up to 4 yrs PT | On-campus & off-campus live stream

Graduate Diploma of Divinity Course Structure:

2 units from Biblical Introduction

1 unit from Christian Thought

5 elective units

Below are the units you can choose from each category. 

Biblical Introduction

Old Testament introduction
Old Testament Foundations – OT001-812
Old Testament Prophets and Writings – OT002-812

New Testament introduction
Jesus and the Gospels – NT001-812
Early New Testament Church – NT002-812

Christian Thought

Christianity in History to 1550 – CH001-812
Christianity in History from 1550 to Modern Times – CH002-812

The Knowledge of God – TH001-812
Creation and the Fall, the Person and Work of Christ– TH102-812
The Doctrines of Grace and Eschatology – TH003-812
The Church and its Ministry – TH104-812

Philosophy & Ethics
Christian Ethics – PE001-812
Christian Apologetics – PE206-812


Old Testament exegesis (in English or Hebrew) 
Pentateuch –  OT008-812/OT009-812 
Former Prophets: 1 & 2 Samuel – OT010-812/OT011-812
Isaiah (40-55) – OT014-812/OT015-812
The Psalms OT020-812/OT021-812

New Testament exegesis (in English or Greek)
The Synoptic Gospels: Luke – NT008-812/NT009-812
The Fourth Gospel – NT016-812/NT017-812
The Pastoral Epistles – NT014-812/NT015-812
Pauline Theology and Romans – NT018-812/NT019-812
Paul and Corinthian Christianity – NT010-812/NT011-812

Ministry & Practice

Evangelism and mission
Mission Perspectives – EM001-812
Principles of Evangelism –  EM024-812
Ministry in a Culturally Diverse Context –  EM018-812
Contextual Asian Ministry – EM031-812
Cross-Cultural Field Education –  EM040-812

Pastoral and church-focused ministry
Preaching I – PC047-812
Spiritual Formation for Professional Ministry – PC008-812
Pastoral Skills and Methods– PC003-812
Theological Perspectives on Mental Health – PC137-812
Mental Health Issues in Christian Counselling – IN004-812
Congregational Field Education – PC092-812
Practical Ministry Field Education – PC094-812
Child Abuse in Christian Communities: Prevention and Response – PC134-812


Biblical Hebrew (A) – LA003-812
Biblical Hebrew (B) – LA004-812
New Testament Greek (A) –  LA005-812
New Testament Greek (B) –  LA006-812

Note: Biblical Introduction, Church History and Greek A & B are offered every year, while the other units run on a two-year cycle. Please refer to the college timetable to find out what is being offered each year.

A full-time study load is 4 units per semester. You can be full-time and study 3 units per semester; it will just take you longer to finish the course. A part-time study load is 1 or 2 units per semester.

BST Timetable, Calendar and Fees

This course is FEE-HELP and Centrelink approved.

What is FEE-HELP?
FEE-HELP is a loan that helps eligible fee paying students pay their tuition fees.

For eligibility and more information on FEE-HELP go to:

This course is registered on CRICOS (054685G) and is available to overseas students. Further information for overseas students can be found on our overseas student page.  

Overseas students can apply here.

If you get part way through the Graduate Diploma of Divinity and are unable to complete the full course, there maybe options for receiving an award with the units you have completed. See Graduate Certificate of Divinity

When you have completed the Graduate Certificate of Divinity you can continue your theological studies with either:

Master of Divinity

Master of Ministry

Alon Barnes
Doctor at Prince Charles Hospital (Australia)

“There’s no question that the knowledge I gained through my classes at BST has stayed with me – I still have vivid memories of the lecturer who gave a great explanation of Pentecost in the book of Acts! And hanging out in the student common room, talking about what we were learning and wrestling with different concepts, that really sharpens you. As I do my regular job now, and as I serve in church and lead a Bible study group, all the things I learnt at college are continuing to bear fruit. I’m so glad to have had that experience.”

Emily Ansell
Secretary and PA to the Principal at BST 

“The GradDip program  grew my personal relationship with God just as much as my knowledge of the Bible. I never felt that I was just being taught theoretical truths – we were always encouraged to apply everything we learnt in our lives.  And now I work for the college I see it from the other side and get to be a part of bringing students on that journey. It’s an awesome privilege.”