
Statement of Faith

Brisbane School of Theology (BST) is a community of Christians from diverse cultural, denominational and theological backgrounds and traditions. We are united by our allegiance to Jesus Christ, submission to the authority of God’s word and desire to serve God’s mission in the world. Foundational beliefs are taught with conviction and unity is expected.

In secondary matters, we safeguard the freedom of faculty and students to arrive at their own convictions in light of a careful study of Scripture, with love and mutual respect expected.

Members of the BST community are expected to hold fast to the following:


God is the Creator and sustainer of all things


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is fully God and fully human, in one person. He lived a sinless life, died in the place of sinful human beings and experienced bodily resurrection before ascending visibly to heaven.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit lives within all Christians and empowers us to grow spiritually and serve God in the world.

The Trinity

There is one God: The Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit, who share together equally and eternally in the one being of God.

The Bible

The Scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments in their entirety, are the inspired and infallible written Word of God and have been given to the church as the final authority for what to believe and how to live.

The Church

The Church is the people of God, made up of all who are joined to Jesus Christ through faith, regardless of ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status or denominational association


All humans are sinners, disobedient to God, and have a broken relationship with Him until given new life by the Holy Spirit.


The only way for men and women to be in a restored relationship with God is through faith in Jesus, who, through his sacrificial death, has done all that is necessary for God to forgive our sins.

End Times

Jesus Christ will return personally at the end of the age, when there will be a bodily resurrection of all people, followed by judgement leading to eternal life, or eternal separation from God.