

How Shall We Then Live?

We are living in a world beset by many problems. The beginning of a new century does not bring hope to our future. What has happened in the last century seems to be repeating here and now. The ghost of the cold war seemed to come out from its grave...

Faithful people; faithful Christ

  In the chapel commencement service for 2019, Richard Gibson asks the question, “What is BST about and in essence what are you here for?” To make sense of the purpose of BST, he goes back nearly 2000 years to the passage in 2 Timothy 2:2 “Entrust what you heard...

That time of year again: the cicadas are about to sing

He was speechless. I'd asked Mat what his four years at college had meant to him. He couldn't answer. He choked up. The tears formed. His grief at the prospect of leaving BST could not have been more eloquent. Somehow he managed to testify to the way his life had been...

God owes you no favours

C.T. Studd is a legend in cross-cultural evangelism. C.T. Studd is a superstar of mission. Born in England in 1860, into a family of wealth and privilege. Educated at Eton and Cambridge. A rising star of English cricket. In fact played in the 1882 match won by Australia, which was...

A Gospel-Shaped Legacy

At our recent 75th anniversary thanksgiving service, Pastor Daniel Bassett (class of 2014), challenged us to think about the legacy we will leave behind. Preaching from Acts 20:17-27, he described how the Apostle Paul called to himself the Ephesian elders to establish his legacy and that as we read the...