

Hindering Little Children

In my New Testament class a few weeks ago, we reached chapter 9 of Mark's Gospel, where Jesus gave an indication of the importance and value he placed on children. It was counter-cultural in his day and confronting for us today. 36 He took a little child whom he placed...

Refuge in the overwhelm

To the onlooker, theological education might look like a season of sitting still, reading books, and long lunches - a time of relative ease. Beneath the surface though, deep and seismic changes are often afoot. This can also be a time of rapid growth, with all the joy and the...


In this Chapel message, Rev Dr Richard Gibson preaches on the theme "Raised" from John 20:1-18. In this passage, Richard describes the real dawning of the transformation of the universe. The unbearable absence of Jesus has ended and we have come into a new age; the age of adoption. It's...


In this chapel message, Buried, Richard Gibson preaches from the passage of John 19:28-42. He examines verse 30 when Jesus says,  "It is finished", asking is such a declaration a little premature? Jesus hadn't died yet, he hasn't risen from the dead and there was no sign of victory over...


Richard continues our chapel series, preaching from John 19;12-27, on the theme, "Crucified".  In these verses we see Pilate, who had declared Jesus not guilty, even seeking to release him, hand him over to the Jews to be crucified. We see the Jewish high priests rejecting, not only Jesus, but...