PhD (Gender Studies), BA (Hons, Arabic and Islamic Studies), Diploma in Biblical Studies.

Cathy joined Interserve in 1986 after looking for a mission agency that would nurture God’s call to ministry with women who live under Islam. This has provided the focus to Cathy’s last thirty years of ministry. Cathy is passionate about women and change, particularly how the transforming power of the Kingdom of God, expressed in the message of the Gospel, is foundational to challenging the structures that mediate Muslim women’s lives. In her PhD Cathy explored this theme through the lives of women activists in Pakistan. After completing almost nine years as part of Interserve’s International Leadership Team, first as Regional Director for the Arab World and Africa, and then as Director of Ministries, Cathy stepped down at the end of 2014. In 2015 she partnered to launch a new initiative for When Women Speak …. When Women Speak … (http://whenwomenspeak.net/ ) is a network that encourages the exploration of the place of women’s voices where Christianity, Islam and missiology meet. The network encourages women to share and debate their work on mission, women and Islam, focused on nurturing ministry that engages Muslim women with the gospel. Cathy’s research interests include women, Islam and mission; women, social activism and change. She is presently researching issues that impact discipleship for women followers of Jesus out of Islam, honour and shame as experienced by women, and the intersection of women’s social activism and the gospel. Monographs and papers Hine, Cathy (2018), co-editor, When Women Speak …, Publisher Regnum Hine, Cathy (2018), Veiled: Muslim Women in Modern Mission Strategies in When Women Speak … Regnum Publications Hine, Cathy (2018), Patronage and Reciprocity: Leveraging aspects of shame and honour in discipling women followers of Jesus from a Muslim Background in When Women Speak … webzine Hine, Cathy (2017) Negotiating from the Margins: Women’s Voices (re)Imagining Islam in Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian, Theological and Missiological Implications Evelyne Reisacher (ed), Intervarsity Press Writing as Melanie McNeal McNeal, Melanie (2014) ed, Discipleship: reclaiming Missions Strategic Focus. Grassroots Mission Publications McNeal, Melanie (2014), Mission Paradigms: Is discipleship important? in Discipleship: Relclaiming Missions Strategic Focus Grassroots Mission Publications McNeal, Melanie (2012), Who’s responsible?: Mission Organisations, Leadership and the Management of Crises on the Field in Risk and Suffering in the Church and Mission, Grassroots Mission Publications McNeal, Melanie (2010), Do Muslim Women Need Saving? in Reconciliation in the Arab World. Grassroots Mission Publications. Mc Neal, Melanie (2008), Contextualisation or the Affirmation of Patriarchal Norms? In Doing Mission in the Arab World. Grassroots Mission Publications