
Our Library

W. J. Tunley Memorial Library is part of the Brisbane School of Theology, which is dedicated to offering high-quality, formational, Bible-centred training. WJT seeks to create a welcoming central space for students, staff and visitors that promotes learning, group discussion, private contemplation and community. The collection supports the teaching, learning and research activities of the students and staff, in both English and Mandarin. It also provides formational resources to complement students’ studies, meet the needs of the BST residential community, and encourage life-long learning among alumni, missionary partners, and local churches.

The Collection

Physical Resources

Audio Books
Journal Titles
29,000 articles in the catalogue

Books include:

  • 4,000 in Mandarin
  • Almost 1,000 antique books (over a century old) making up the Rare Books Section
  • 2 published in 1657 – when Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protectorate in England.
  • 2 published in 1732 – the year George Washington was born.

Electronic Resources

EBSCO’s ATLA Journal Database which includes:

  • Full text articles for over 300 religious journals
  • Bibliographic details for another 1,o00 journals

EBSCO religious e-book collection, which includes:

  • Over 7,200 of the most recent ebooks

JSTOR Arts & Humanities journals collection, which includes:

Full-text articles for over 12,000 journals across the academic disciplines.

New Items

New books are being added to the collection almost every day, with the ‘new book’ display turned over every week. In 2018, there was a total of over 1,000 new books added, and 2024 is shaping up to be even better.