
Your CAC Spring Wrap-Up

Director of Asian Centre for Christianity, Head of Ministry and Practice, Lecturer in Ministry and Mission


The past few months for our Centre have been fruitful and encouraging as we have pursued our vision to be an Australian hub for the acceleration of gospel growth in the Asian Church. With Dr Samuel Goh and myself having recently returned from Makassar, Indonesia, to visit the work there, I would like to share with you some highlights.
STFT Jaffray Makassar (JTS) is a Bible College strategically located in the largest city in East Indonesia and is one of the largest Bible Colleges there – having more than seven hundred students. The College continues to grow, and has the highest or equal highest accreditation level out of all Bible Colleges in the country. Lots of lecturers from other seminaries come to train at JTS – further highlighting its strategic role in East Indonesia. One of CAC’s Board of Reference members, Dr Chris Luthy, serves on faculty there and kindly facilitated our visit.
The goals of the visit were to begin to get to know the principal (Dr Robi Panggarra), faculty, staff and students; gain a better understanding of JTS’s ministry, ethos, and needs; and to continue discussion regarding ways that we may partner together. In the kindness of God these goals were not only met but exceeded!

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