
From Brisbane to Israel, where to next?

When people think of Bible college they might automatically assume it’s for those who want to be involved in full-time ministry. While there are many desiring to serve full-time, there are also many of us who are working in the secular context, and studying part-time with a desire to be...

What is the Meaning of Life? A Response to Stephen Fry

One might respond by saying that Fry would put no stock in the Bible’s claims. But let’s not be too quick. Fry is actually aware of some of the Bible’s claims elsewhere and even acknowledges that the God of the Bible has “terms”.

Bible Society event at BST

Rev Prof Lo Lung Kwong, former Director of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, will be visiting Australia in February this year. He will speak at various venues across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. BST is delighted to host Rev Lo...