Brisbane School of Theology



Computer Upgrades!

The computers in the student Computer Lab have not been updated in nearly a decade—and it’s high time we fixed that! With your help, we hope to buy up to three new computers to help our students as they study, research, print, and compose their assessments. Each computer costs approximately $900; can you help us secure all three?

Thank you!

The computers in the student Computer Lab have not been updated in nearly a decade—and it’s high time we fixed that! With your help, we hope to buy up to three new computers to help our students as they study, research, print, and compose their assessments. Each computer costs approximately $900; can you help us secure all three?

Thank you!

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Creating a bequest for Brisbane School of Theology is one way to leave an indelible mark and foster a lasting legacy.

Every bequest further helps us continue to train and prepare the disciples of the future. With your financial gift, we can harness the passion of our students and create world-changing mission workers and ministers. Your bequest can ensure God’s Word and love will continue to resonate for years to come.

If you are interested in making a bequest to Brisbane School of Theology or the Centre for Asian Christianity, please download our Bequest booklet for more information, including suggested wording options to be added to your Will. We strongly recommend you seek professional legal advice when preparing your Will, or making alterations to it.

If you require assistance or would like to notify us of a bequest provision you have made in your Will, please call us on 07 3870 8355.

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You can give directly to our CAC account.

BSB: 484799
Account: 560884170

Please include your full name as a reference and email our office if you require a receipt.


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Pastor Grace Lung

BSci (Comp Sci), GradDipDiv, MA (ChrStds)


Grace grew up in Sydney in a large Chinese church. Since then she has served at various Chinese churches over the years in youth, students, young workers and women. Her passion and interest is contextualizing the gospel to Asian Australians and developing Asian churches in Australia. Grace is a graduate of Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Fuller Theological Seminary. Her study focussed on Chinese Australian identity and ministry.

Her previous roles have included: Director for Asian Contextual Engagement for the RICE Movement, Team Member for Interserve Culture Connect and OMF QLD’s Ministry Team. She was an Anglican Deaconness Ministries Summer Fellow in 2019. Her writing has appeared on the SOLA Network, Gospel Coalition Australia, Centered: Resources for the Asian American Church, Common Grace and Ethos: EA Centre for Christianity and Society.

In addition to her role as Director of CAC, Grace is also serving as a pastor alongside her husband, Chris, at Rise Alliance Church – a new church plant servicing the Rochedale area.