A legacy of God's grace
Today’s BST is built on the legacy of all our alumni students over more than 80 years of shared history
Whether you attended our campus when it was Queensland Bible Institute, Bible College of Queensland, Crossway, or as Brisbane School of Theology, you’re an integral part of who we are.

Every past student is welcome to join our community lunches on Tuesdays and Fridays during the term to meet and talk with current students and faculty. We love to hear from those we helped train for ministry and those alumni who come along enjoy hearing about the current issues facing modern mission and ministry.

The path to mission and ministry is a lifelong journey and we’re proud to help all our alumni with resources and support to further enhance their learning.

Whether you attended our campus when it was Queensland Bible Institute, Bible College of Queensland, Crossway, or as Brisbane School of Theology, you’re an integral part of who we are.
Every past student is welcome to join our community lunches on Tuesdays and Fridays during the term to meet and talk with current students and faculty. We love to hear from those we helped train for ministry and those alumni who come along enjoy hearing about the current issues facing modern mission and ministry.
The path to mission and ministry is a lifelong journey and we’re proud to help all our alumni with resources and support to further enhance their learning.