Brisbane School of Theology



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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Brisbane School of Theology affiliated with a denomination?

No, we are an interdenominational college and our students, staff and faculty come from a variety of different denominations.

Are the courses at Brisbane School of Theology accredited?

Yes, our courses are accredited by the Australian University of Theology.

Does Brisbane School of Theology offer off-campus study options?

At BST we value learning in community but also know that it isn’t possible for all students to study on campus. We offer the option of studying off-campus via live streaming lectures on Zoom. This option means students are a part of the on-campus class and can join in with discussions and participate fully in the class. We don’t offer a self paced online option so there is still an  attendance requirement of 80% for those studying off-campus. Off-campus students can still be part of chapel services and will have a student advisor to walk with you throughout your course. 

Do you have residential accommodation?

We are a residential college and we offer single rooms with shared living spaces as well as one and two bedroom self-contained units suitable for couples and small families. Accommodation is only available through an application process, on a first-come-first-served basis, and full-time students are given priority access to accommodation.

Is there public transport nearby?

Yes, there are bus stations on Dean St, a short walk from the campus, and Toowong Railway Station is 2km from the college.

What is a full-time or part-time load?

Full-time is enrolling in either 3 or 4 units and part-time is enrolling in either 1 or 2 units.

What are my study options if I'm working full-time?

Brisbane School of Theology offers night time classes as well as week-long intensives. You can view our timetables here.

Are there mid-year intakes?

Yes you can start mid-year (July) or start at the beginning of the year (February).

How many semesters are there at BST?

There are two semesters at BST. Semester one is from the first week of  February to June, and semester two is from mid July to November (includes exam, study weeks and mid-semester breaks) (link to calendar page).

Can I gain credit or Recognition of Prior Learning for previous studies I’ve done?

If you have done prior theological or ministry studies then you can send us your official transcript from your previous institution and we then submit to our accrediting body, Australian University of Theology, who determines whether you can be credited for any RPL.

What is auditing?

Auditing is attending lectures but not doing any of the assessment. Auditing does not go towards credit in an accredited ACT course, but does come with a lower cost. You cannot use Fee-Help for audit costs.

What academic assistance do students have available to them?

Brisbane School of Theology provides tutoring services to students at no cost. We also offer essay writing and exam preparation seminars every semester. We also allocate every student a college advisor to help them navigate through their course.

Can I use a FEE-HELP to pay for my tuition?

Yes Fee-Help is an option for those students who are eligible. For more information about eligibility, please visit the Australian Government website:

Does Brisbane School of Theology offer scholarships?

Brisbane School of Theology does not offer scholarships. Students are responsible for ensuring they have sufficient funds to cover the cost of tuition fees, or be eligible for FEE-HELP.

Does Brisbane School of Theology have Open days or nights?

Yes, we Open Nights and Open Days twice a year, generally in May and October, as well as Virtual Open Nights via Zoom. See Our Calendar for details.

Brisbane School of Theology courses are accredited by the Australian University of Theology and approved by the Government.  It is the responsibility of the student or applicant to contact Centrelink to confirm their eligibility. Brisbane School of Theology will provide students with the appropriate documentation to apply to Centrelink.

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Pastor Grace Lung

BSci (Comp Sci), GradDipDiv, MA (ChrStds)


Grace grew up in Sydney in a large Chinese church. Since then she has served at various Chinese churches over the years in youth, students, young workers and women. Her passion and interest is contextualizing the gospel to Asian Australians and developing Asian churches in Australia. Grace is a graduate of Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Fuller Theological Seminary. Her study focussed on Chinese Australian identity and ministry.

Her previous roles have included: Director for Asian Contextual Engagement for the RICE Movement, Team Member for Interserve Culture Connect and OMF QLD’s Ministry Team. She was an Anglican Deaconness Ministries Summer Fellow in 2019. Her writing has appeared on the SOLA Network, Gospel Coalition Australia, Centered: Resources for the Asian American Church, Common Grace and Ethos: EA Centre for Christianity and Society.

In addition to her role as Director of CAC, Grace is also serving as a pastor alongside her husband, Chris, at Rise Alliance Church – a new church plant servicing the Rochedale area.