
New to BST

Jo Vandersee
Jo Vandersee is currently studying a Master of Divinity at BST.

Starting out at Bible college can be a challenge – meeting new people, nutting out the assignments, mulling over new lecture materials and working out how to fund the whole thing! We caught up with Jo Vandersee who started her Master of Divinity at BST in semester two, 2014. Jo moved from Dalby and is currently living on campus. 
It was a big thing for me to pack up my house, re-home my pets, move to the city, find a new job, a new church, and some tenants for my house, and settle in to the shared accommodation at BST.
Before coming to BST, I was involved in many different things. My degree is in Nursing Science but I did not stay long in the hospital system.  I’ve worked a lot in disability care, including some overseas work. I felt God’s call to mission and studied at Bible college many years ago.
I then worked on staff in my former church in their international student and migrant ministry.  This work led to an opportunity to serve overseas, where I headed initially to France to learn the language for two years. Following that I moved to Morocco for two years, working in a team with a professional couple helping disabled children.  It was very tough as a single woman to work and live in a conservative Muslim culture.
In short, I came back to Australia nine years ago very burnt out and upset with God. There were many other reasons for leaving Morocco including my struggles with the culture and recognising my own weaknesses. I’ve had to learn some hard lessons.  I’ve had to surrender to God on more levels than I knew possible.
My desire now is to serve the Lord so that nothing I have gone through is wasted. I reflect on Psalm 103:1-5, “who redeems my life from the pit… who satisfies my desires with good things… so that my youth is renewed…”.
I wanted to study at BST because I want to devote my life to God’s service, and one day I pray, teach His word to many others. I am happy to be here; excited to be among so many like-minded people, and enjoying the study as I learn and am challenged in each lecture.
It is a big thing that I surrender my life to God for His service, but a much bigger thing is the GRACE, MERCY and FORGIVENESS that I have found in Him alone as my Saviour and my Lord.
Are you thinking about studying at Bible college? Come along to one of our open nights or make an appointment. Applications for Semester 1, 2015 closes 15 January.

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