Brisbane School of Theology

CAC Appeal Update

You may recall that earlier this year the Director of our Centre for Asian Christianity, Grace Lung, reached out to ask for help in funding our Centre and its numerous projects through 2024. The response from our friends was very gratifying, and has brought us within arm’s length of our operating budget… But we’re not there yet.

As you read this, we are just under $20,000 short of our goal for the year. If you are able to help us reach that target, you will be ensuring that the CAC can continue its important work into 2025 and beyond.

So far, the gifts we have already received have helped fund a number of important projects in Australia and overseas—missions conferences, training programs, establishing significant international partnerships, and more. In fact, your support has meant we have already fulfilled almost all of our ministry and missional commitments for this year. Thank you!

But like any organisation, the Centre cannot exist without its team of staff, and space from which to conduct this work. Your tax-deductible gift today will help pay our staff for their time and dedication, meet our ongoing financial obligations, position the Centre for future ministry, and perhaps even gain a head start on next year’s projects, allowing us to do even more in 2025.

At BST, we remain firmly committed to ministry and mission in Asian contexts. Australia is uniquely positioned within the region to offer training and support in an appropriate and culturally relevant way, and ministering to Asian Christians has long been part of our DNA. Alongside the Centre for Asian Christianity, our Chinese program continues serve the local Chinese church, training pastors and lay preachers, as it has done for nearly 30 years. We recognise the importance of having a strong and united Asian church, both in Australia and overseas, and believe that, with your help, we can continue to make a Gospel impact across the globe.

Please give to help sustain our Centre for Asian Christianity and hit our $20,000 goal by the 30 September, for the sake of the Gospel.

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Pastor Grace Lung

BSci (Comp Sci), GradDipDiv, MA (ChrStds)


Grace grew up in Sydney in a large Chinese church. Since then she has served at various Chinese churches over the years in youth, students, young workers and women. Her passion and interest is contextualizing the gospel to Asian Australians and developing Asian churches in Australia. Grace is a graduate of Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Fuller Theological Seminary. Her study focussed on Chinese Australian identity and ministry.

Her previous roles have included: Director for Asian Contextual Engagement for the RICE Movement, Team Member for Interserve Culture Connect and OMF QLD’s Ministry Team. She was an Anglican Deaconness Ministries Summer Fellow in 2019. Her writing has appeared on the SOLA Network, Gospel Coalition Australia, Centered: Resources for the Asian American Church, Common Grace and Ethos: EA Centre for Christianity and Society.

In addition to her role as Director of CAC, Grace is also serving as a pastor alongside her husband, Chris, at Rise Alliance Church – a new church plant servicing the Rochedale area.