Brisbane School of Theology

What the world needs now…

I thank God for my many years at BST, first as a student and then as a lecturer. My years of studying were very rich in learning, fellowship, growing spiritually and being equipped for ministry.

The interdenominational experience gave me a bigger view of God’s church, stretched me, and helped to clarify essential Christian beliefs. My study was also the path to the next stage of my ministry, which turned out to be 20 years at BST!

My years of teaching God’s Word and walking with students in their journey of formation for ministry have been a joy to me. The world has continued to change over the last 20 years. People are tending to look for easier ways to jump over a “lower bar.” This is not the way of God’s kingdom or of service in his kingdom. More than ever, we need Christian leaders and workers for God’s church, who are willing to commit to solid biblical training in a community context, so that they have what it takes for long-term, faithful and effective ministry. We also need more professionals who are theologically educated for their witness in their vocation and for their contribution in their local church.

BST has been and will continue to be committed to this kind of education and formation. The value of what BST does has continued to inspire me in serving here. And the Lord has continued to show himself faithful to His promises to be with us (Matt 28:20), keeping (John 17:15), strengthening (Isa 41:10; Matt 11:28-30) and leading us (John 16:13; Rom 8:14), and bearing fruit for His glory (John 15:8).

John Coulson
October 2024

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Pastor Grace Lung

BSci (Comp Sci), GradDipDiv, MA (ChrStds)


Grace grew up in Sydney in a large Chinese church. Since then she has served at various Chinese churches over the years in youth, students, young workers and women. Her passion and interest is contextualizing the gospel to Asian Australians and developing Asian churches in Australia. Grace is a graduate of Sydney Missionary and Bible College and Fuller Theological Seminary. Her study focussed on Chinese Australian identity and ministry.

Her previous roles have included: Director for Asian Contextual Engagement for the RICE Movement, Team Member for Interserve Culture Connect and OMF QLD’s Ministry Team. She was an Anglican Deaconness Ministries Summer Fellow in 2019. Her writing has appeared on the SOLA Network, Gospel Coalition Australia, Centered: Resources for the Asian American Church, Common Grace and Ethos: EA Centre for Christianity and Society.

In addition to her role as Director of CAC, Grace is also serving as a pastor alongside her husband, Chris, at Rise Alliance Church – a new church plant servicing the Rochedale area.