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Are you interested in school chaplaincy?
If you’re feeling God’s call to become a school chaplain, the Graduate Diploma of Divinity is a great way to round off your existing studies to give you the qualifications and skills you need to serve in this vital role.
By completing this diploma, you will be well-prepared to meet the high demand for school-based chaplains, as well as roles in youth and pastoral ministry within church contexts.
This course is endorsed by SU Australia, the nation’s largest employer of school chaplains. Graduates will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required by SU Australia, giving you a direct path to becoming a school chaplain.

Graduate Diploma of Divinity
What about other chaplaincy pathways?
Chaplains are not only found in schools. You may be exploring other avenues, such as hospital chaplaincy, army chaplaincy, prison chaplaincy, among many others.
We invite you to consider the Master of Divinity or the Master of Ministry: both of these degrees will provide you the training and expertise you need to thrive as a chaplain in a range of situations, as well as a whole range of other ministry opportunities, including missionary service and pastoral ministry.
These degrees also open up pathways for ordination, which is a prerequisite for some chaplaincy ministries. Speak to us today about which option best suits your circumstances and journey.

Master of Divinity

Master of Ministry
"The biggest thing I learnt at Brisbane School of Theology was the importance of humility. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Vitae turpis massa sed elementum.
Accredited by the ACT
As an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, Brisbane School of Theology is approved to deliver the listed courses of the ACT (CRICOS 02650E).
Our ACT affiliation gives you confidence that you are studying in a program that is recognised not only across Australia, but internationally. We must meet Australian tertiary-education standards with respect to our staff and our teaching and learning program, helping us to keep our promise of giving you a high-quality theological education. We are committed to excellence in teaching and learning, research, and high standards of scholarship.