
Gen12: Where to now?

The Gen12 conference, ‘It starts here’, was held at BST on Saturday 19 July with over 140 people coming together to find out more about cross-cultural mission. The day was jam-packed with thought provoking messages from key note speakers, practical insight into ministries at the seminar electives and informative conversations...

What does it mean to be blessed?

You don't have to scroll down far on your Facebook or Twitter feed to see someone that is " feeling blessed". The word “blessed” slips so easily off our lips. But what does it actually mean? What do we mean when we ask God to bless our children, our activities,...

A day in the life of…a student pastor

My first full-time job was at a meat-works. Some of you may cringe at this, as you probably prefer not knowing where your steak comes from. But for me, it was a job for eight years. I then had a stint at cotton farming when we lived in St George,...

Opportunity knocks on 26/02/2014

This week's opportunity knocks includes being a Senior Pastor in Bundaberg, Media Worker (IT/Web) in the Gulf Region, RE Teacher in Latin America, and Church Planter in Thailand.