
Ministry in the Philippines

The Philippines is a beautiful country of contrasts from high-density urban sprawl communities to the open spaces in the provincial centres. It's an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands and a population of 103 million people with 13 million living in metropolitan Manila. BST student Phillip Gray recently visited for...

Selfless ants and the Body of Christ

Of all the creatures in the world - lions, sharks, monkeys, the ones I admire most are ants. These little guys are not particularly nice to look at, they eat rubbish, dead things and somehow build colonies in the most unexpected and irritating places - like your car!

Contextualisation with Dr Scott Moreau

How important is it to recognise the elements of a culture in order to communicate the gospel effectively? How do we prevent the gospel from being distorted or lose its theological integrity as we share the gospel across cultural boundaries?