
What is the Church's primary task?

Historically, there has been a tension within the Church concerning how it is to carry out its God-given mission. Is the church’s primary task to proclaim the gospel or to serve others? Is its priority telling or doing?

Opportunity knocks on 27/05/2014

This week's opportunity knocks includes being a Youth Ministry Leader in Victoria, Store Manager in Queensland, Nutrition Advisor in Afghanistan, and a Sports Coordinator in Ethiopia...

Opportunity knocks on 08/04/2014

This week's opportunity knocks includes being a Kindergarten Teacher in Goodna, Assistant Pastor in Tasmania, Graphic Designer in Nepal and a Creative Evangelist in Bulgaria.

A new wave of evangelism…online

A group of passionate and tech-saavy Christians from CVC Network, have embraced the world wide web as an opportunity to evangelise. The YesHeis.com project has a mission to promote and share the Good News in major languages all around the world, using an online mode of delivery including an app...

Opportunity knocks on 30/01/14

This week's opportunity knocks includes being a Christian Youth Worker in New South Wales, Chief Communications Officer in South East Asia, and a Church Planter in Portugal...

The Book of Revelation and Pastoral Issues Today

People often make two mistakes when it comes to the book of Revelation. They either think the content is beyond understanding and steer clear of it altogether. Or they read it as though it's the end of the world and spend their time trying to chart a calendar of events.